Arigato from Japan
In our March 2011 issue of Marketing Times we published a thank you note from our SMEI Affiliate in Japan. Here is an excerpt:
Greetings from Tokyo. Thank you very much for your message. It was indeed the biggest quake I have ever felt and we are still having strong aftershocks – 41 of them were in over the upper 5.0 magnitude….so many people are greatly suffering. Therefore, I cannot tell you enough how encouraging it is to hear your caring thought and concern. You even took a step further to set up an Earthquake/Tsunami Relief program in SMEI. …thank you again for your concern and please keep the friends of your association in Japan in your thoughts and prayers.
Here is a particularly moving “Arigato” from Japan It is good to see the fruits of restoration and rebuilding efforts and a poignant reminder that the work isn’t finished or the need for support diminished.