Validation of Credentials is a Two-Way Street
On a recent flight from Houston to Vancouver I had the pleasure of being seated next to John C. Stull II, a Biosurgical Specialist with Genzyme. John is a graduate of West Point and a sales professional.
We were discussing the merits of professional salesperson certification. John, having achieved great success already in his sales career was wondering what additional benefits would accrue to him by obtaining a validation of his credentials through the SMEI Professional Salesperson Certification (SCPS) program.
It became apparent through this discussion that John would gain intangible if not tangible benefits through the program. As a highly regarded professional, he would also be validating the need for professional certification in sales through his own application and by embracing the program.
I’m looking forward to meeting you again John, and more people like you. Together we can all make a difference through better selling.