Show Up Strong
Showing up strong and with purpose is essential to staying in business during business as unusual.
Governments have made a lot of declarations recently, including shutting down non-essential services. At SMEI we’re deeming sales and marketing as an essential service. That means YOU ARE ESSENTIAL. Thankfully, you can perform sales and marketing functions while safely working from home.
Whether you are operating a small business or you’re responsible for the revenue generation at a large organization, sales and marketing is a critical function during business as unusual. It is vitally important to keep our funnels active so that they aren’t empty when we come out the other side of this crisis.
The conversations you had with your customers and prospects even one or two weeks ago may not be relevant today. If appropriate, reach out and check in to see how they are doing and ask how you can be a resource. Knowing you care and are standing by is going to really help maintain loyalty and confidence in your brand for the long term, even if it is not appropriate to sell.
We need to show up strong and with purpose. Selling during good times can be mentally challenging, and when there is a crisis, you can magnify that many times. Your mindset is critical to your own well being, as well as that of your team and to how you frame your message when reaching out to clients and prospects.
We’re here to help you. I’m not going to provide advice on social distancing or how to deal with the health aspects of COVID-19. We’ll leave that for professionals in that field. What we can help you with is ways to weather the storm and stay positive with a laser like focus on your sales and marketing efforts.
Ways we are helping right now:
SMEI Webinar: Show Up Strong – Wednesday April 1, 2020. Even if you can’t join, please register and we’ll provide you with the recording. Free to all members.
Free Membership for non-profits: If you work for a non-profit or you know someone who does, please share this resource.
Willis Turner, CAE CME CSE is the President and CEO of Sales & Marketing Executives International, the worldwide professional association for sales and marketing.