Certification Information for Student Applicants
Successfully completing an SMEI Certification program at an academic institution accredited by Sales & Marketing Executives International, Inc. as part of your studies may qualify you for one of SMEI’s professional certification designations. In order for you to receive the SMEI Professional Certification designation, SMEI Certification Policies require that you:
For CME® or CSE® Applicants:
- Submit a formal certification application when enrolling in the accredited program and pay applicable fees
- Pass the program with the prescribed passing grade (determined in conjunction with the academic institution and SMEI)
- Complete within 5 years, or have completed already, a minimum of 3 years of business experience, or owning and operating your own business for 3 years or a combination of both for a total of 3 years
- Have profit and loss responsibilities as part of your job
- Manage at least two people as part of your job responsibilities
- Are currently employed in a sales or marketing management position at time of submission of work experience details
- Provide current employment information
For SCPS™ Applicants
- Submit a formal certification application when enrolling in the accredited program and pay applicable fees
- Pass the program with the prescribed passing grade (determined in conjunction with the academic institution and SMEI)
- Have completed or complete a minimum of 1 year’s experience in a sales or marketing position within 3 years of course completion
- Are currently employed in a sales or marketing position at time of submission of work experience details
- Provide current employment information
Submitting Your Employment Verification
Use this link to submit your employment information.
Once SMEI receives the information fulfilling all the above requirements you will be notified with a formal letter. You have a total of 5 years for CME® and CSE® and 3 years for SCPS™ from the date of the applicable program graduation to fulfill the employment experience requirements. In the meanwhile you must complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education each year. You will be required to submit a list of qualified continuing education hours that you complete each year by the anniversary date of your graduation from the certification program. There is no fee to submit this information, however there is an annual renewal fee once you become certified. The information you submit for employment experience and the 20 hours of continuing education are subject to audit by our certification governing body. You are required to keep for three years a file of accurate records for each year of your work experience.. You are also responsible for notifying SMEI of any change of address, including your email address. For information about continuing education, please visit our web page for the applicable policy.