Customized Corporate Solutions |
Our Approach
SMEI’s corporate certification programs for sales and marketing can be tailored to your company’s needs. Following an initial assessment and needs analysis, a completely customized approach is developed. While corporate needs are satisfied, the integrity, underlying principles and knowledge domains of SMEI’s professional certification programs remain the foundation of each customized solution.
SMEI’s philosophy is that each corporate solution should also focus on the individual needs of team members and ensure that they are operating at or exceeding the global standard for sales and marketing based on SMEI’s certification assessments.
Get a free custom quote for your corporate training needs.
Following are some examples of how our programs can be customized:
Individuals within your organization can be certified by SMEI to facilitate SMEI’s certification programs. SMEI’s Train-the-Trainer programs are four-day classes for each of the certification programs offered. These can be selected individually or bundled into groups. These programs include: CME® – Certified Marketing Executive; CSE® – Certified Sales Executive; SCPS™ – SMEI Certified Professional Salesperson; and SCPM™ – SMEI Certified Professional Marketer.
Online Learning
Convenient online learning programs are designed to achieve sales and marketing excellence through self-study. SMEI’s Learning Management System (LMS) can be customized for the organization and provides robust management reporting on Learner Outcomes.
Blended Learning
Blended learning includes web delivery using SMEI’s Learning Management System (LMS) and instructor-led classroom training. The advantages of blended learning include knowledge sharing and role-plays to help reinforce the training concepts. Blended learning requires an SMEI certified instructor on-site.
University Accreditation
SMEI offers accreditation of existing university programs in sales and marketing and also provides curriculum content and assessments as part of under graduate or continuing education programs.