Founded in 1935 as a worldwide association of sales and marketing professionals, Sales and Marketing Executives International, Inc. (SMEI) works with its members to create and promote professional development standards in sales and marketing. An International not-for-profit organization, SMEI advances initiatives such as its professional certification programs. SMEI has members through affiliated chapters or as direct members worldwide that reflect and project SMEI objectives and brand. The organization recognizes its responsibility to protect and enhance its good name and image.
This Manual outlines standards and defines proper usage of all SMEI logo signatures and marks. Specific standards for correct usage will be defined in this guide along with examples and reproducible art. Any marks and/or verbiage used to represent the organization are subject to SMEI’s graphic standards and guidelines.
The official colors of the SMEI logo are Pantone (PMS) 301 u Blue and Pantone (PMS) 5777 u green.
The signature unit must print enitirely in black, or in two color utilizing both PMS 5777 u & PMS 301 u as shown below. Also acceptable is to reverse the signature out of a black band or solid color.
The body copy for all collateral materials is the Arial typeface family. Collateral materials should be printed or displayed in Arial (western) or an equivalent typeface.
The SMEI logo signature is comprised of the elements logotype and symbol. The organization should always be referred to in print as Sales and Marketing Executives International, or SMEI or SMEI “Affiliate Name” or SMEI “Group Name”.
The logotype consists of the letters “smei” in its specific typeface, with its graphic symbol to the left and the registered trademark symbol to the right.
The stylized globe serves as a graphic symbol or device and should always appear as indicated above, regardless of two color representation, black and white or reversing.
The signature appears in one basic configuration, with several variations as follows:
- With an SMEI Affiliate/Group name where the affiliate name is right justified to the “i” in “smei” and is cast in a specific size in relation to the letters “smei”. (“honolulu” in the example above indicates the acceptable use of the SMEI Affiliate/Chapter signature for the SMEI Honolulu Affiliate)
- Reversed configuration with or without the SMEI Affiliate/Chapter name
Together, in each, the logotype and the graphic symbol comprise the signature. In each signature the configuration should not vary, but rather should be treated as a single unit.
The signature is not to be altered, or distorted in any way other than proportional enlargements and reductions. Nor should the graphic symbol be shifted from its prescribed relationship to the logotype or used as an isolated symbol when the full logo is not used on the same space.
Air space refers to the minimal areas around the signature that should be left clear of all other text or graphics. Minimal area is equal to the logotype height of the letters smei. (For example, if the letters smei in the logo signature appear at 12 pt., then air space left around the logo should equal 12 points on all sides). Leaving air space will ensure clear readability of the SMEI signature.
Use the approved reproduction art supplied to you by SMEI. If you do not have the approved logo files for your affiliate or group, please request them from the SMEI office.
The SMEI logo mark and/or associated illustrations including the SMEI Affiliate/Chapter mark or renderings may be imprinted (with permission from the SMEI World Headquarters) on products, but must not be distorted in any way. The mark or associated drawings cannot be used without permission on any documents, publications, or promotional items, etc., in a manner that suggests that the document or item are sponsored or endorsed by SMEI.
Each SMEI Affiliate or Chapter is provided with the SMEI Affiliate/Group logo in the following formats: high resolution JPG and AI (Illustrator) files. The logos can be used in one of the following forms,
- Two (2) color
- Reverse (white on black)
Each SMEI Affiliate is provided with design templates for stationery, business cards, presentation folders, envelopes and a membership brochure. These files are produced printer ready with the exception of the printer being required to drop in the appropriate SMEI Affiliate logo. In some cases, products can be ordered pre-printed from SMEI headquarters.
It is recommended the following paper stock or similar stock be used for each stationery item:
Letterhead & second sheet | #70 Cougar opaque white |
Business Card shells | 100lb cover Mohawk |
#8 Catalogue envelope 10″x13″ | Sub 24 white wove |
Presentation folders | Chromolux 700 cast coated 12pt. |
Brochures 16″x9″, quad fold | 100lb Luna Matte |
Usage of SMEI logo signatures on products or items not designed by SMEI requires approval prior to production from the International President & CEO or his/her designate. Allow 2-3 days for the approval process.
Reproductions and usage of the SMEI logo signatures and/or SMEI Affiliate/Chapter logo signatures on items or products in a manner unacceptable to SMEI or without prior approval will result in SMEI requiring the items or products be destroyed, deleted or altered to conform to acceptable use at the item or product owner’s expense.
Passion! For the profession.
This tag line is to be presented in Arial Italic & Regular Font as shown.
All domestic (USA and Canada) affiliates of SMEI must comply to the SMEI website style guide for purposes of promoting membership, events, certification and other SMEI programs and services.
Trademarks For SMEI Certification
SMEI’s professional certification programs are trademarked as follows:
Certified Sales Executive – CME®
Certified Marketing Executive – CSE®
SMEI Certified Professional Marketer – SCPM™
SMEI Certified Professional Salesperson – SCPS™
The Distinguished Sales & Marketing Award® official logo is displayed below. If you require a high resolution version for printing, please contact SMEI head office. DSMA® and Distinguished Sales & Marketing Award® are registered trademarks of SMEI are are used with permission only. The registered trademark symbol must always be displayed when using the full name or acronym.